3 Quick and Easy Tips to Load your Horse onto Your Trailer

Checking off your trailer maintenance to do list before a trip can be overwhelming — loading your horse onto your trailer may seem like the easiest part of your journey. However, if your thoroughbred is stubborn, that may be far from the truth. Here are some tips on how to load your horse successfully into your Cimarron trailer:
Tip 1: Acclimate Your Horse to its Trailer over Time
It never hurts to prepare ahead of time, set some time aside before your trip to allow your horse time to get comfortable. This can be done by setting your trailer up in a place that’s quiet and calm so your horse already feels comfortable. Walk your horse slowly up to the trailer, allow them to move at their own pace. Then, once you reach the point where you can tell your horse is feeling uncomfortable, stop. Let them take in their surroundings. Then turn back around and repeat this over and over, each time getting closer to reassure them it’s nothing to be scared about.
Tip 2: Don’t Force Your Horse into the Trailer, or Force Them to Stay On the Trailer
If your horse is resisting, stop. Give them time. On that note, never force them to stay on the trailer. Instead, cue him to back off when he feels uncomfortable. This will help the horse gain trust in you, rather than looking at you as a threat.
Tip 3: Stay Calm and Keep Your Horse Close
Animals can sense people’s emotions. If you’re feeling nervous, or impatient, your horse can tell and those feelings will in turn make your horse feel panicked. Use a well-secured rope to keep your horse close to you and walk with confidence.
Remain Calm, Plan Ahead and Be Patient
These are the three key factors you really need to practice in order to safely and successfully load your horse onto your Cimarron Trailer. Oh, yeah, a little reward never hurts too, bribing your horse with some of its favorite snacks is always a plus!
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